VBS 2024

June 23-26 @ Grace Lutheran Church

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June 23-26, 2024

VBS Dates & Times

June 23-26, 2024

Supper at 5:30pm each night.

Program from 6:25pm - 8:15pm

Age Groups Available

4 year olds - Preschool


Ages 1st - 5th Grade

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Pickup Policy for VBS 2024

VBS 2024 we will continue with a proactive child pick-up policy that was begun in 2019. We thank you for your patience and for your help in this process. So, let’s get reacquainted with dismissal.

  1. Each Child will be allowed a maximum of three names eligible to pick up a child including one or both parents. Dad and mom count as two of those slots so be sure to include mom and dad’s first and last names. It will not be assumed. You may do this on the online registration form.
  2. Only names listed for pick up will be allowed into the Sanctuary for pick up—a maximum of three people can be designated for pick up.
  3. The person picking up must have name tag (that will be provided) visible while picking up child(ren)—one tag per child—which means the person picking up must have the name tag assigned to the person picking up for each child. A total of two tags will be issued for each child, one shared for the person(s) picking up and one for the child. If the parent is picking up more than one child that parent will wear one tag per child on their person.  (Example:  The Parent picking up two children will wear two name ID Tags one for each child.)
  4. If person picking up a child(ren) does not have the proper name badge(s) with the child’s ID numbers the parent will have to be called and the name tag must be retrieved.
  5. Name tags with ID numbers for the child will be issued each evening and turned in at the end of each evening. This is to avoid loss of name ID tags for those picking up children.
  6. Upon arriving each night please check in at the assigned tables and collect your ID tag and child’s name tag.
  7. When picking up the child please go to the child at the pew. Please follow the signs in the sanctuary for pick up.

Thank you again for your patience and for your participation. We also encourage some level of flexibility as some improvements or changes may become necessary. Our goal is a quick dismissal and a safe environment for all children who attend our VBS program. God bless you and your family.